How To Unfollow on Facebook

Facebook is now more than just a common social platform. Instead, it’s a place where we talk with our Facebook friends, share new experiences, join groups and read the news.
Nevertheless, sometimes, we might see someone on Facebook posting opinion rants or unpleasant posts.
So, how do you stop seeing that person without blocking or deleting them? There’s got to be a way to “silence” friends politely, like the Muting on Twitter option.
Well, there is! All you need to do is unfollow someone, and there you go - no more annoying posts on your Facebook news feed!
Read this article to get more information about:
- How to unfollow on Facebook in just a few steps;
- Managing your friends’ list on your mobile device or desktop browser;
- How to re-follow an unfollowed Facebook friend.
How to Unfollow Facebook Friends
First of all, it’s important to mention that you can unfollow a page and unfollow a Facebook friend too.
Nevertheless, there’s a clear difference between these two alternatives:
- Unfollowing someone on the settings menu will cause them and their posts to “disappear” from your news feed without deleting them;
- On the other hand, unfollowing a Facebook page will result in the page being “deleted” from your profile.
Block or Unfollow People: the Differences
So, why don’t you just block a person instead of unfollowing them? Well, there are three main differences between these options that you must get to know:
- Blocking a person will make them entirely disappear from your Facebook account: they won’t be able to see you, text to you, or find you in their Friend List ever again;
- If you unfollow a Facebook friend, they won’t know that you did it. The person will still have access to your profile;
- There’s no way for a person to tell that you unfollowed them. On the other hand, a friend can easily discover if you blocked them by looking for your profile, and they will also be able to see your profile in groups.
Option 1: Unfollow Someone on Facebook from the Facebook News Feed
In case you want to unfollow just a friend, then you have two alternatives to achieve this.
First of all, log in to your Facebook account. Keep in mind that the process is very similar both in the mobile device Facebook app for Android and iOS and the desktop browser version.
Step 1: Find their Facebook Posts and Click on the Three Dots Icon
Browse your news feed and find a post from the person you want to unfollow. Now is your chance!
There, just tap on the three dots icon that appears at the upper right corner of their post.
When the drop-down menu appears, some options will be shown.
Step 2: Tap Unfollow Option
Here, you must tap the “Unfollow” option in the menu. You can do this from any of their posts that appear on your news feed.
Now, you won’t receive notifications from the posts of that friend, and all their posts will hide on your news feed.
However, remember that they will indeed be able to see each post you make on their news feed screen.
Option 2: Unfollow a Facebook Friend From Their Profile Page
You can also manually navigate to a Facebook profile page you want to unfollow.
Step 1: Look for their Facebook Profile Page
Remember that it is also possible to go directly to their account if you tap or click their profile picture.
If you use the mobile app, you’ll find the option to unfollow on the top menu bar just below the profile picture. If you use Facebook on a desktop, the unfollow button will be easily visible, as shown in the following screen:
Step 2: Click or Tap the Three Dots Icon and Select the Unfollow Option
The “Following” check mark will quickly disappear once you tap or click the following option in the top-right menu icon:
Once again, forget about receiving notifications of their posts while they remain unfollowed.
How to Unfollow a Page on Facebook
If you need to unfollow a page on the Facebook app or the desktop page, just follow the next few steps.
Step 1: Find the Pages You Need to Unfollow
To unfollow a page, you must go to the page and click or tap the following options:
Keep in mind that these settings can be found in the top-right menu icon on the screen.
Step 2: Click or Tap the Three Dots Icon On the Page You Want to Unfollow
Here you can unfollow the page. Just click or tap the unfollow option, and you will be ready to go:
There it is - so long, annoying Facebook page! You can re-follow the page and their posts whenever you want.
Manage your News Feed Preferences
If you want to manage your Follow Settings, it’s fundamental to go to news feed preferences.
Step 1: Select News Feed Preferences
Go to your profile and find the manage screen. On the app, you need to tap the three horizontal lines that appear on the bottom.
Here, it’s fundamental to select “News Feed Preferences” so you can manage all the unfollowed profiles.
Step 2: Follow Back Facebook Friends or a Facebook Page
On this menu, you can reconnect with people or leave them as they are - it’s your choice.
It’s important to select the person you want to follow again so you can go back to see their posts.
And that’s how you unfollow someone on Facebook! Simple, efficient, and quick. For more information about this matter, you can always check Facebook Help Center.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How Do You Tell Who Unfollowed you?
You can’t. Nevertheless, there are some third-party apps that can help you with this, but we don’t recommend using them since your personal info might get compromised.
When You Unfollow a Profile on Facebook, Do They Know?
No, they don’t. You won’t be able to see each post they make, but they won’t be aware that you just removed them from your feed.

Karen is a senior technical writer and copywriter here at GrowFollowing. Her area of expertize are social media apps and new media.