How to Get Your Snap Score Up Fast

We spend weeks reverse-engineering Snap score formula, so if you looking for ways to increase your Snapchat score - read on!
Heads up: Various third party apps and services, including Snapchat score generators and bots, promise quick raise of your Snapchat score. Avoid them at all costs.
These apps are against Snapchat’s Terms of Service as well as risking your Snapchat account locked or even banned.
Snapchat app is really fun and Snapscore makes it all even more addictive.
You can be totally chill about it, but why would you? ;)
Especially if someone makes all the homework for you so you can have an unfair advantage over other Snapchat users.
By all means - you still need to put in hard work, there is no shortcuts.
But surely with these tips you will put your current Snapchat score to new heights!
In this guide, you will learn:
- what makes your Snap score go up
- how to increase Snapchat score fast
- Snapchat score hack you need to know about
Ready to boost your Snapchat score?
Before we reveal all we learned, let’s take a step back to understand the basics.
How Does Your Snap Score Go Up
Your Snapchat score go up when you perform certain in-app activities.
Here is worth to note that Snapchat app rewards creativity above plain texting - for example, sending plain direct message does not increase your score but sending a Snap or continuing your snap streak does.
Snap score underneath the hood is not that difficult to figure out.
We did all the homework for you and listed down all the factors that play major role and help you increase your Snapchat score:
Sending Snaps
Everytime you send a Snap, your Snapchat score increase by 1 point.
If you stop using Snapchat for a few days and then come back to the app, sending your first snap will get you 6 points.
Keep in mind that score increases only when you send photo or video snaps.
Opening Snaps
In addition to sent snaps, receiving Snaps and opening them will also get you points! Every-time you open an unread Snap, you will be rewarded with 1 point.
Mind that you won’t get points for simply replying to Snaps.
Opening snaps also help your friends to gain their Snapchat score.
Posting Stories
When you make and post story, the score increases by one point.
The cool thing about Snapchat stories is that even if no one see your story, you still get the point.
Also, if you decide to delete your story at any point, the extra points will remain in your account
Snapchat Streaks
You will get bonus points for keeping your Snapchat streak up and opening other people streaks.
Seems like there is no fixed score and the reward is different for everyone.
What Does Not Increase Snapchat Score
- sending and receiving direct messages: Contrary to belief, sending and receiving direct messages does not increase your Snapscore.
- adding friends: yes, you read that right! Adding other people won’t increase your score. You can add celebrities from all around the world, that won’t move your score a single decimal! In order to get one point, the other side needs to accept your friend request.
What are benefits of increasing Snap score?
Since now you know how Snapchat score work, you are probably wondering - okay but what’s the deal? What am I gonna get out of it?
Immense satisfaction
Let’s be honest - it makes us feel good having a high Snapchat score on our profile page to impress that one friend.
Even if we don’t admit it - we know others care and try to beat us whenever possible.
Snapchat Trophies
Snapchat trophies 🏆 are additional reward awaiting for those who willing to boost their Snapchat scores.
And by reaching particular score milestone with your score, you can earn up to 7 of them!
Here is the list with how many points you need to reach the Snapchat score milestone and get a trophy:
- 10 - 👶 baby emoji
- 100 - 🌟 star emoji
- 1000 - ✨ sparkles emoji
- 10 000 - 💫 circled star emoji
- 50 000 - 💥 explosion emoji
- 100 000 - 🚀 rocket emoji
- 500 000 - 👻 ghost emoji
Future rewards
We wish you could turn your points into something more tangible, like Snapchat merch with your username on it or at least limited edition Snapchat filters.
Perhaps this is something Snapchat Team is cooking up?
How to see sent & received Snaps number?
To see how many Snaps you’ve sent and received, simply click on your avatar (profile icon) in upper left corner on the Snapchat camera screen.
You can also see there your total Snapscore.
Snapscore does not update in real-time so you might wait a moment to see it changing.
How to Increase Snap Score Fast
Time for the meat of this article - here are couple of tips how you can increase your Snapchat score faster.
Send Snaps, lots of them
More snaps = more fun.
Send as many Snaps as possible, to as many as you can.
Mind that you can’t earn points by sending the same snap to multiple friends - so if you ran up to that famous celebrity on the street and made a photo, sharing it with all your friends won’t help - each snap needs to be unique.
Avoid sending text messages
As we mentioned earlier - sending text does not raise your Snapchat score.
So how can you use it to your advantage? Instead, tap top left corner and send a snap!
Have more friends
More friends = more opportunities to receive snaps.
Let your friends know that from now on you would like to receive photos or videos instead of text messages - this way you could rack up the score in the app faster.
Post stories
Even with small amount of friends to chat with, posting story is never a bad idea! You can cheat here a little and add snaps in a row, gaining additional 1 point for each.
Beam Me Up, Bunny!
That was hectic! I hope this guide give you more clarity on how to get your score higher on Snapchat.
Is there anything we missed? Share with us in comments section.
What are you waiting for? Open Snapchat and start sending snaps now!
Snapchat Score Increase FAQ
Why is my friends Snapchat score going up so fast?
Their Snapchat score is going up because they complete certain actions in the Snapchat app like sending snaps to multiple users or posting stories.
What is considered average Snapscore?
The average Snapscore is 40 000 for every 1000 friends.
These numbers will vary from username to username, based on in-app time spent.
What is considered high Snapscore?
We consider a high Snapchat score anything over 1 million as it requires high level of dedication.

Karen is a senior technical writer and copywriter here at GrowFollowing. Her area of expertize are social media apps and new media.