How to Delete Snapchat Messages the Other Person Saved

Someone saved messages you exchanged on Snapchat?
Maybe you don’t feel the same way about a person on your friend list that you sent some snaps to.
If that’s the case and you’ve tried deleting messages, chances are that you got a pop-up message informing you that the other person has saved chats.
If you want to delete saved messages on any chat, firstly, here are a few things to learn.
- How to delete Snapchat messages the other person saved
- Blocking someone to delete sent messages.
- Other methods to delete stored data
How To Delete Snapchat Messages The Other Person Saved
It is possible to delete Snapchat Messages that another person saved.
Doing so will notify the other person.
Now, here is what you need to delete messages saved on Snapchat.
Select Snapchat on your mobile device and start by opening the conversation with the messages someone else saved, once you are there, do the following:
Step 1: Long tap Saved Messages
Long press the message that someone else saved, wait for a moment till the options appear.
Step 2: Delete Messages
Next will be to delete saved Snapchat messages the other person saved; to do so just click on the delete message option that popped up.
Step 3: Click on Learn More or “OK”
The first option will appear if it’s your first time trying the delete option. Otherwise, just click on OK.
This might not work if the other person has a poor internet connection, has an old version, or the other person’s device is on airplane mode.
You can only delete messages on Snapchat that you’ve sent.
Step 4: Select Delete
Lastly, just click on delete to delete the message.
If you want to delete something you’ve saved, you’ll need to unsave it.
To Unsave Snapchat messages just long tap the message and click on unsave.
Either way, when you delete snaps or delete conversations, it will send an in-chat notification to the other individual user.
Blocking The Other Person To Delete Snapchat Saved Messages
If you want to delete all messages from one person, you can just block them.
It will clear chats automatically with no need for long-pressing an individual message one by one.
It’s a great in-app feature, clear chats with a single tap!
To do so just open the profile of that person, then:
- From the three-dots icon, a drop-down menu will appear.
- Click the “Block” and everything within that person’s chat will be deleted.
In case you can’t find on your friends’ list specific user, check out how to find someone on Snapchat, even if you don’t know their username.
Delete Your Snapchat Account To Delete Snapchat Saved Messages
When you request an account deletion, the app will deactivate your account. Chat data will become unavailable for the other user as well.
After 30 days, all the data will be automatically deleted. That includes saved snaps and all your conversations.
You can prevent this by reactivating your Snapchat app account at any given time.
They will not notify the other person that you reactivated your account.
How To Delete Snapchat Messages Automatically
You can set your messages to automatically delete them after the other user opens them. It’s another simple process.
- Long press the chat on the chat column
- Tap“Chat settings” option
- Click on “Delete Chats…!”
- Pick an option “After Viewing” or “24 hours After Viewing”
- After that, any message will be deleted either right away or after 24 hours its been viewed..
This works for any snap reply or messages you send.
Pick the “After Viewing” option to ensure everything is deleted.
This way, next time when sending snaps or sending photos, that the app will delete the message right after it was seen.
This frees up a lot of your time to manually clear conversation every time.
How to Prevent Others from Saving Your Messages On Snapchat
So is there a way to simply prevent others from having the messages saved?
As much as Snapchat privacy features are powerful, there are still certain restrictions:
You can’t set Snapchat to prevent someone from saving your messages in the first place.
There are options that individual users can do to clear conversations, a single message, or a whole chat if they want.
To save you time and headache, messages on Snapchat can also be automatically deleted.
So whenever you Open Snapchat, feel confident that you can have some control of what message is deleted and what message is not.
Saved Snapchat Messages FAQ
How Do You Permanently Delete Snapchat Messages On Both Sides?
Long press the message, click on delete. On the pop-up message, click on learn more, then select the delete option.
The next time that person opens the ghost icon app, they won’t see any saved snap.
Does Blocking Someone On Snapchat Delete Saved Messages?
Yes, it does. It deletes the last message, the text chat, and all its data on it.
Feel free to block someone to delete messages on Snapchat, it might be quicker than the other options.
It’s a great way to delete a Snapchat other person saved.

Karen is a senior technical writer and copywriter here at GrowFollowing. Her area of expertize are social media apps and new media.