
How to Add Tokens to Metamask: A Beginner’s Guide

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How do I add a custom token to Metamask? This is a question that many Ethereum beginners find themselves asking.

The process of adding tokens to Metamask Wallet can be confusing and frustrating.

If you want to learn how to add tokens to Metamask wallet, follow along.

You will learn:

  • How to install MetaMask
  • how to add tokens to Metamask wallet, including most popular ERC20 tokens
  • how to add custom token addresses

Prerequisites: Install MetaMask

In order for you to be able to add tokens, you need to have MetaMask installed first.

MetaMask comes in two forms: browser extension and mobile app.

Both offer exactly the same functionality, support smart contracts and test networks.

In this guide we will focus on the extension.

Go to Metamask Official website or search bar in any search engine to find MetaMask’s own extensions and download.

Once installed, you should see a fox icon in the top right corner of your browser which signifies that MetaMask has been enabled correctly on your browser.

Alternatively, in Google Chrome it will appear as an icon next to other extensions.

Click on the fox head logo the Create a new account on the account page to add tokens if you are new to Metamask token, select a strong password, and secure your recovery key.

You can create two metamask wallets or more alongside the ethereum main network.

If you lose the Metamask secret recovery phrase 12 words key, you will not be able to log in again and add tokens.

If you have lost your secret seed phrase for ethereum main network wallet you will not be able to recover it. You need a new seed phrase ASAP.

How To Add Tokens To MetaMask: Step-by-Step

In this guide, we will describe adding custom tokens via MetaMask Extension.

Nevertheless, the mobile app process is almost the same, you can find all the assets in the assets tab and add new tokens to your metamask account.

There are two ways to add tokens:

  • Method 1: Add existing token from the list
  • Method 2: Add token contract address manually

Let’s go into detail for each - I will walk you through each method, step by step.

Important: Always do your due diligence before adding any token. Make sure the token contract address matches the official project.

Method 1: Add token from the available list

This method allows you to add an already available token from the list in Metamask Chrome extension or app.

Step 1: Initiate procedure

Click “Import token” at the bottom right-hand side of this screen and find your token in the search field or drop down list.

Go back to wallet select to add another token.

Your fresh wallet only etherscan metamask displays.

Step 2: Pick your token from the list

Now select “Next” from within that same menu option.

The most popular tokens are available in the Metamask tokens list.

Step 3: Click “Import tokens”.

After all these steps are completed successfully, click the “Import Tokens” button at the bottom right-hand side of the page which takes us back.

Once everything has been entered correctly hit submit and voila! Your new and other tokens will now appear in your Metamask extension.

Your metamask assets will appear in the asset tab.

Congratulations, you have just successfully added tokens to your Metamask wallet and see metamask’s token list in the dropdown.

Method 2: Add Custom Tokens To MetaMask Manually

This 2nd method will walk you through a step-by-step process on how you can add custom tokens manually to your metamask.

To add custom tokens to Metamask, you are going to need the following things:

Find a custom token contract address on Ether Scan. To copy the token’s contract address click on the number’s right side and add token button.

Step 1. Launch Metamask Extension

Open up a Metamask account on chrome extension metamask fox logo select and click on the Add “Tokens” tab.

Step 2. Add Custom Token

Click on the “Custom token” tab.

Step 3. Add Token Address

In the “Token Contract Address” field, paste in the public address of the token address you want to add to your wallet for a custom token.

Step 4. Add Token Symbol & Decimals

In the “Token Symbol” field, paste in the symbol of the custom token.

In the “Decimals” field, paste in the number of decimals for your custom token. Most tokens use a value of 18.

Step 5. Click “Add Token”.

Now your custom token is added.

Your Metamask wallet will now be able to store the specified token!

Once you add custom tokens tabs requiring details like Token’s Contract Address, Token Symbol, and Decimals.

You will be able to see all metamask asset list the tokens in your metamask account and metamask automatically updates in the list.

Check your recent activities in the activity tab on the right side of the token assets.

Once you have done adding custom tokens to the Metamask account you can see your list of custom token scroll down sections.

You can create multiple accounts for metamask, and find the asset list in the assets tab.

Only valueless test net tokens will appear in free tokens.

Block explorer will display an error if scammers are redirecting you to a scam link.

How To Add Tokens To MetaMask FAQ

If there’s anything else about adding digital assets we can do for you, let us know in the comments below or send us a message at [email protected].

How do I add items to MetaMask?

Add the ITAM token If our network has no token, an ITAM token is required.

To get it to work simply click (+) beside eIAM’s icon and the Address, and the withdrawal and deposit networks follow the MetaMask networks.

Can MetaMask receive tokens?

To transfer a currency token from a wallet to your MetaMash account or through an exchange to another wallet, simply add it. Transactions point to one’s name.

About the author

Steve specializes in cryptocurrency and finance. As a born researcher, he won’t leave any stone unturned when it comes to topics he covers.